Title : RCRAMP
Source : Rattus norvegicus [Norway rat]
Taxonomy : Animalia, Mammals
PubMed : 10768969
Activity : Antibacterial
Gram Nature : Gram +ve, Gram -ve
Target :
Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 ( MIC = 0.69 microM ), Pseudomonas aeruginosa MR3007 ( MIC = 2.01 microM ), Escherichia coli DH5a ( MIC = 0.54 microM ) , Escherichia coli ML-35p ( MIC = 01.55 microM ) Staphylococcus aureus 930918-3 ( MIC = 2.14 microM ), MRSA ATCC 33591 ( MIC = 3.19 microM )
Validated : Experimentally validated
Comment : MICs determined by the radial-diffusion assay with low-salt (no NaCl)
AMP Family : Cathelicidin
Signature :
ID Type Pattern / HMM
CathelicidinH_140 HMM
Length : 39

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Maharashtra, India